Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists National Training Programmes in:

  1. Radiology  - Applications for 2025. 
  2. Radiation OncologyApplications for 2025.

 The application process is now CLOSED. Please note deferrals of places on the training scheme are not permitted.


Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists National Training Programmes in: Radiology. 

 Entry Requirements:

  • For Radiology, all applicants must have, as a minimum, at least 2 years clinical experience.
    • One year as an intern and 1 year as an SHO is the minimum acceptable pre-Radiology training.
  • All candidates must be registered or eligible for registration with the Irish Medical Council (www.medicalcouncil.ie)
  • Candidates must meet the English Language requirements as detailed below before applying for the training scheme 

 Closing date for Radiology applications is strictly 5pm on Monday 18th November 2024

 Application Procedure:

  1. To make an application - please click here to register or login here if you applied last year
  2. Complete the application form to include all relevant supporting documentation 
  3. Three completed structured reference forms should be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Supporting Forms for Completion of Application:

Radiology Structured Reference Form 2025

Radiology Shortlisting Self Scoring (July 2025)

Guidance for Eligibility for Training Specialist Division

Eligibility for the Trainee Specialist Division, Medical Council

Communication Skills, Medical Council

Guidance on English Language Requirements

Allocation of Places on Specialist Training Programmes 


HSE NCHD Terms Conditions

National Radiology Training Programme - Standardised Selection Process for Shortlisting and Interview (July 2025)

The Board, Officers and Training Coordinators of the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists are committed to encouraging diversity and eliminating discrimination in the organisation, practices and work of the Faculty. The training of a radiologist is a lengthy and expensive process and it is very important that those who are most suited to a career in radiology are those selected to become future radiologists. The purpose of the selection process is to identify and select those trainees who are most likely to make the best consultant radiologists in the future. The underlying principles of the selection and appointment process, are equity of access, objectivity in the selection process and transparency in the appointments. Appointments will be made in order of merit and are subject to the applicant meeting the required standards, as prescribed by the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists. All applicants will be assessed against each other for the limited number of places.

Every year the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists will recruit a number of first year Specialist Registrars to the National Radiology Training Programme. The number of trainees is variable depending on the number of vacant positions in each training site. In 2024, 36 places were available for the scheme. The number in 2025 intake will be agreed with the NDTP. Although the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists recruits to its training programme; each candidate is also being employed by the respective training hospitals. Each training site will nominate an Educational Coordinator who sits on the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists Education Committee and will act for their hospital during the selection process. If a site’s Educational Coordinator is unavailable for the interviews, they may nominate a proxy from their site.

In order to be considered eligible for application to the training programme, an applicant must have a minimum of two years of clinical experience, comprising one year as an Intern and one year as a Senior House Officer or equivalent. Information on this minimum pre-radiology training is available on the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists public website.

Candidates must be registered or eligible for registration with the Irish Medical Council (www.medicalcouncil.ie) and must meet English language requirements established by the Health Service Executive, which are available on: https://www.hse.ie/eng/staff/resources/hr-circulars/hr-circular-063-2020-english-language-requirements-for-nchds.pdf

Nationality/Citizenship does not influence a candidate’s ability to apply or be considered for interview but it can affect allocation of positions according to National Policies, as outlined.  Please refer to allocation of places on specialist training programmes above.

The application process opens in early October and is advertised on the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists website. The application period closes in early November. In order to apply, candidates must complete an online application form, a shortlist self-scoring form which is included in the application form (copy below for information purposes) and upload relevant supporting documents. Once the application process is closed, all applicants are scored based on their application form and Curriculum Vitae in order to create a shortlist of applicants. Three personal references must be sent electronically prior to interview. These references are not relevant to shortlisting and do not need to be completed prior to closure of the shortlisting process.

Candidates are encouraged to estimate their shortlisting score using the self-scoring system below, however the final score for an applicant will be determined by the shortlisting committee based on application and provided evidence. Awarding of points is at the discretion of the committee and criteria will be applied equally to all candidates. Evidence is required for all achievements that are scored. Any achievements listed without supporting documentation WILL NOT be counted towards shortlisting score. A minimum score for shortlisting will be determined each year. In 2025, a score of 19 points or more will qualify a candidate for interview. Scores of lower than 19 may or may not be considered for interview depending on numbers of applicants. An updated version of this document is published on the Faculty website prior to the interview process each year.


Section 1: Education and Academic Achievements (max 24 points)























If no centile score will be issued by University (requires written confirmation from University), 3 pts will be awarded.



Max Score

Total Score

Medical Degree Centile

See above



Membership Exams

Points will be awarded for exams which are verified completed and successful at the time of closure of application process only.

MRCS: 3 pts for each Part A and Part B

MRCP: 2 pts for each Part 1, Part 2 written and Part 2 Clinical




Imaging-Specific Achievement

Including 1st place in a radiology medal exam and award/achievement at a radiology academic meeting.




Including non-radiology university medal exams, awards/achievements at non-radiology academic meetings, grants and other significant post-graduate achievements.



Other Relevant Exams or Qualifications

Including a max of 1 pt for an additional bachelor degree and 1 pt for a higher degree such as a masters or PhD.

USMLE (1 or 2 parts - 1pt, 3 or 4 parts - 2pt).



Overall Section 1 Score






Section 2: Research and Audit (max 16 points)

Points are not cumulative. Only 2 best scoring publications/presentations/ posters count. Works which are radiology-specific will be awarded an extra point. Points will not be awarded for duplicate presentation/poster of the same project but will be awarded for presentation/poster of a project which is then published. Published abstracts are not considered a publication and will be scored as a poster/presentation as appropriate. Publications/Posters/Presentations which are accepted for upcoming editions/meetings will score if evidence is provided. Proof must be sent of audits performed specifying your involvement and the title of the Audit. Points will not be awarded for published research in multi centre audits or registries.


Max Score (10 + 2)

Total Score

Published Journal Impact Factor > 2.5, First Author



Published Journal Impact Factor > 2.5, Second Author



Published Journal Impact Factor > 2.5, Third Author or beyond



Published Journal Impact Factor < 2.5, First Author



Published Journal Impact Factor < 2.5, Second Author or beyond



Case Report (peer-reviewed), First Author



Case Report, Second Author or beyond or non-peer-reviewed



International Oral Presentation, Presenting Author



National Oral Presentation, Presenting Author



International Poster, Presenting Author



National Poster, Presenting Author



International/National Oral Presentation/Poster, not presenting Author



Extra point per qualifying item above if radiology-specific (extra from 10 points above)






Audit and Book Chapter


Max Score

Total Score

Audit, 1 pt per audit (must provide evidence of presentation or publication of audit)



Extra point for 1 audit above if radiology-specific



Book Chapter






Overall Section 2 Score




The interview process takes place in late January usually on a single day. The format of the interview will be issued after shortlisting. Candidates undergo an interview which will include questions that explore the candidates’ career trajectory, experience and suitability for a career in radiology. Knowledge of radiology as a specialty and behaviours/attitudes relevant to working in a radiology department are also explored. The interviewers in each station comprise the educational coordinators in each site who will each mark the candidates. Additionally, candidates’ interpretative skills and clinical judgement may be evaluated in an OSCE.

Clarification following government and local guidelines will be given to shortlisted candidates with regard to the opportunity to contact the 9 training hospitals and rank their preferences. All appointments to training hospital will be achieved through a standardised matching process. While candidates may decline to work in a site by not ranking them, sites must rank all trainees and are not permitted to refuse a match. Each candidate is matched to their first choice of site. If there are more trainees matched to a site than there are SpR positions available, the candidate that is ranked lowest by that site moves to their second choice. If a candidate is unable to match, which can only be because he/she has not ranked all of the sites, they are placed first on the reserve list.

If a candidate refuses to accept a site that they had ranked then they are removed from the process and must re-apply in the next year. In a date in late March, usually between the 25-27th, if any more places on the scheme become available then the candidates are taken from the reserve list in rank order and included in a second match process based on their original preferences. The final list of trainees will be presented to the Forum of Postgraduate Training Bodies.

Trainees offered a site are expected to sign the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists SpR agreement, which may be revised annually. In addition, they will need to abide by and work contract offered by the employing hospitals. Candidates are informed of this at application and at the interview process. Following completion of the interview process, candidates will be informed of their acceptance or non-acceptance on the training programme. The successful candidate must, prior to taking up appointment, obtain:

  • Provisional Registration – Irish Medical Council, Lynn House, Portobello Court, Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. Tel: (00 353 1) 496 5588, Fax: (00 353 1) 496 5972.
  • A certificate of Medical Insurance from one of the recognised Medical Insurance Companies i.e. Medical Protection Society or the Medical Defence Union.
  • A student visa from the Department of Foreign Affairs Consular Section, 80 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. (where applicable).
  • Work Permit from the Department of Enterprise and Employment, 65a Adelaide Road, Dublin 2. (where applicable)

Formal feedback can be sought from the Faculty and will be provided by the National Training Coordinator once the recruitment process has been completed.

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Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists National Training Programmes in: Radiation Oncology

Applications are invited for the following programmes which will commence in July 2025.  See below for further details:        

Entry Requirements:

    • For Radiation Oncology, all applicants must have, at a minimum, at least 3 years clinical experience.
      • 1 year as an intern and 2 years as an SHO is the minimum acceptable Radiation Oncology training

      Closing date for Radiation Oncology applications is strictly 5pm on 18th November 2024

      Application Procedure:

      1. To make an application - please click here to register or login here if you applied last year
      2. Complete the application form to include all relevant supporting documentation 
      3. Three completed structured reference forms should be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

      Supporting Forms for Completion of Application:

      Radiation Oncology Structured Reference Form 2025 

      Radiation Oncology Shortlisting Self Scoring (July 2025) 

      Guidance for Eligibility for Training Specialist Division

      Eligibility for the Trainee Specialist Division, Medical Council

      Communication Skills, Medical Council

      Guidance on English Language Requirements

      Allocation of Places on Specialist Training Programmes 


      HSE NCHD Terms Conditions

      Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists Standardised Selection Process for Radiation Oncology Specialty Training – 2025

      Version 1.2 – September 2020


      The Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists operates a five-year accredited equivalent full-time training scheme in Radiation Oncology, during which the trainees will be rotating across the three accredited training centres (Cork University Hospital, Galway University Hospital and St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Network, Dublin). Every year the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists will recruit a number of first year Radiation Oncology SpRs, the number of trainees is variable depending on the number of vacant positions in each site. Typically, about 3-5 trainees are appointed although this number is expected to increase as the number of training positions is likely to expand based on NDTP workforce requirements. Although the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation in Oncologists is recruiting on to its training scheme, each candidate is also being employed by the allocated training hospitals.

      Each of the three training centres will nominate a Hospital Coordinator who sits on the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists, Radiation Oncology Committee and will be part of the selection process (short-listing and interview). If a site’s educational coordinator is unavailable for the interviews she / he may nominate a proxy to represent the training centre.

      Faculty Board, Faculty Officers and Training Coordinators of the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists are committed to encouraging diversity and eliminating discrimination in the organisation, practices and work of the Faculty.  The training of a Radiation Oncologist is a lengthy and expensive process and it is essential that those who are most suited to a career in Radiation Oncology are selected.  The purpose of the selection process is to identify and select those trainees who are most likely to make the best Consultant Radiation Oncologist in the future.  The underlying principles of the selection and appointment process, are equity of access, objectivity in the selection process and transparency in the appointments. Appointments will be made in order of merit and are subject to the applicant meeting the required standards, as prescribed by the Faculty of Radiologists and Radiation Oncologists. All applicants will be assessed against each other for the limited number of places.  

      Application and Shortlisting

      The application process generally opens in early October and closes in early November. Candidates fill in an online document, upload relevant documents and arrange for three hard copy references to be sent to the Faculty.

      Once the application process is closed, all applicants are scored based on their application form and CV.

      Scores are totalled in the following sections (maximum score opposite):

      Medical Degree Centile Score                  


      Radiation Oncology Experience


      Postgraduate Membership Examinations e.g. MRCP, MRCS        


      Other Relevant Exams/Qualifications                   


      Prizes, Scholarships                        




      Radiation Oncology -Specific Research Marks                    


      Quality/Safety/Audit Initiative               


      Radiation Oncology-specific  Quality/Safety/Audit Initiative Marks      


      Book Chapter               



      All candidates are scored independently by short-listing panel, which includes The National Training Co-ordinator , the three Hospital Coordinators (or proxy) and a Faculty representative. The minimum score required to be called for interview is 20 points out of 40 points.

      Local Hospital Coordinator Meeting

      Prior interview, candidate will have the opportunity to visit the three training centres and their respective Local Hospital Coordinator, whose contact details will be provided by the Faculty   


      The interview will be conducted by an interview panel, comprising the National Training Coordinator, the three Hospital Coordinators (or proxy) and a senior Faculty Officer.

      The panel member questions will explore the candidates’ career trajectory, experience and exposure to oncology and radiation oncology, research and educational achievements, management experience, and suitability for a career in radiation oncology.  The senior Faculty Officer present, will ensure that the questions are fair and consistent and that the interviews keep to time. The senior Officer does not mark the interviews.

      Marks for the interview are given under the following headings:

      Experience and Suitability for a Career in Radiation Oncology  


      Career Trajectory                   


      General/ Behaviours               


      The candidates are marked out of a total of 100 as follows:





      Hospital Allocation / Appointment

      The Radiation Oncology training is based on a rotation across the three training centres. The successful candidate will allocated the training centre based on

          • Expressed preference. At time of interview candidate will be asked to provide by witting her / his location preference for the 1styear of training (Cork University Hospital, Galway University Hospital, St Luke’s Radiation Oncology Network Dublin)
          • Ranking at the interview (based on the total score achieved)

      Revision of this Document

      This process is subject to annual review by the Education Committee and Board after feedback from the prior year’s recruitment process, the candidates and other interested bodies including but not limited to RCSI and the NDTP.

      Successful Applications

      Following completion of the interview process, candidates will be informed of their acceptance or non-acceptance on the training programme. The successful candidate must, prior to taking up appointment, obtain:

          • Provisional Registration – Irish Medical Council, Lynn House, Portobello Court, Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6, Ireland. Tel: (00 353 1) 496 5588, Fax: (00 353 1) 496 5972.
          • A certificate of Medical Insurance from one of the recognised Medical Insurance Companies i.e. Medical Protection Society or the Medical Defence Union.
          • A student visa from the Department of Foreign Affairs Consular Section, 80 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. (where applicable).
          • Work Permit from the Department of Enterprise and Employment, 65a Adelaide Road, Dublin 2. (where applicable)


    • Formal feedback can be sought from the Faculty and will be provided by the National Training Coordinator once the recruitment process has been completed.

    • ---------------------------

Applications for Training Programme

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